Thursday 17 October 2013

Modern Concepts

Today we're going to look into certain concepts that pertain to todays Graphic Industry

Visual Culture

Visual Culture deals with visual events in which, information, meaning or pleasure is sought by a consumer in an interface with visual technology.It is any aparatus that is designed to be looked at

Global Village

Global village refers to a world where evrybody is closely connected by modern telecommunication and is interdependant economically, socially and politically. This idea was by a man named Marshall McLuhan . Due to the industrial error, global trade grew rapidly,
McLuhan described how the globe has been contracted into a village by the rise of technology and the instantaneous movement of information to any point at the same time. In bringing all social and political functions together in a sudden implosion, electric speed heightened human awareness of responsibility to an intense degree.


Postmodernism is a reaction to the assumed certainty of scientific, or objective, efforts to explain reality. In essence, it stems from a fact that reality is not simply mirrored in human understanding of it, but rather, is constructed as the mind tries to understand its own particular and personal reality (

Culture Industry

Industries which use creativity, cultural knowledge and intellectual property to produce products and service which have a potential for wealth and income generation thourgh the exploitation of cultural assets and production of knowledge based goods and services.

“The cultural industries include: advertising; architecture; crafts; designer furniture; fashion clothing; film, video and other audiovisual production; graphic design; educational and leisure software; live and recorded music; performing arts and entertainment; television, radio and internet broadcasting; visual arts and antiques; and writing and publishing. “(

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a digitally stimulated enviroment that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world or imagined worlds. This normally refers to products and services on digital computer-based systems which respond to the user’s actions by presenting content such as text, graphics, animation, video, audio, games, etc.

Konik, I

“Thematising the ugly side of sublime technology development in Sonzero’s Pulse (2006) as an inadvertent critique of the ‘technocentricism’ of postmodernity” Konik, I. 2007

Inge Konik is referring to Jean-Francois Lyotard and Julia Kriseva's "Sonzero Pulse (2006) " movie.  He tells of  how the self-governing, capitalist nature of postmodern Techno-centrism is dehumanizing the world to a state where people find it difficult to live without technology. What he is describing is what is happening to people today. Their social means are reduced to Cyber space.  There are some people find their social means through the facebooks and the twitters of the world. Infact it has gone so bad that there's also a new phenomenon called "cyber bullying" were people are victimized  via social applications 

Thursday 10 October 2013

United Colours of Beneton campaigns

United Colours of Beneton

This Brand is known for its controversial advertisements. Here are some of their campagns from the 1980s - 2000s

1982 "Ebony& Ivory"

1989 "Handcuffs"

1991 "This ones for the fridge"

1992"Kissing Nun"

1996 "horses"

1997 "WFP"



Modernism vs Postmodernism

South African Conceptual Design

Save the Rhino Campaign

South Africa is face with a disturbing increase in the number of Rhino poaching.Since the start of the poaching epidemic in 2008 South Africa has lost over 2000 rhinos - a figure that, despite so much effort, increases daily. Save the Rhino campaign launched a campaign to make the citizen of South Africa as well as the neighboring countries aware of the injustice posed to the rhinoceros species... The words " Nothing we do will ever bring them back" in the poster emphasizes the seriousness of the situation facing the rhinos in South Africa.

Another initiative South Africa has taken to spread awareness on the issue is the red rhino horns that are put on the front grill of a car. I think the choice for the colour red is to symbolise the critical state in which the rhinos are endangered.

Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is observed in October every year. According to the South African National Cancer Registry, one in 29 women in South Africa will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast cancer, like other types of cancers, can be treatable when detected early.
This breast cancer poster entitled "Courage" recognizes the fear women experience  when having to deal with breast cancer. The poster promotes the awareness of breast cancer and also make the viewer aware of how sensitive the cancer victim's situation is.

Youth Day 

South African has a Globally recognized history. That history would be forgotten if it wasn't for the youth of South Africa. The impact of that dreadful day if history has had tremendous effect nationwide. This poster serves as a reminder of June 16, when the youth changed fate of the generations to come...

First Things First Manifesto

First Things First Manifesto 2000

This manifesto produced in 1964 by Ken Garland and published by Adbuster Magazine in 1999, describes the world of advertising and how it is consantly evolving as the years go by. It describes the increasing demand for designers as a vehicle of  communication to the everyday consumer.

Inc0mplete Manifesto for Growth

Incomplete Manifesto for Growth by Bruce Mau

This Canadian remains a pioneer in reshaping how modern designer ought to think when facing a blank canvas. I have found that his manifesto speak to me as a designer.

"Process is more important than outcome.
When the outcome drives the process we will only ever go to where we’ve already been. If process drives outcome we may not know where we’re going, but we will know we want to be there.
This quote, taken from Bruce Mau’s “Incomplete Manifesto for Growth” conveys the notion that designer have to go through a series of trials in order to reach what I call a “creative high”. This is were  the designer taps into a design trance( so to speak) where he/she is able to achieve unexpected results that result in the element of surprise. I often find that the process of creating is more rewarding than the final product. This is because I get to learn more about how far I can stretch myself during that period of creation.

In this manifesto Mau produces a 43 point program that attempts to help designers and creative folks think about their design process.